July 30, 2009

Monthly wise predictions - Which baby you are


Which Baby Are You?

-------------JANUARY BABY--------------------

P retty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored.
Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to
recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth.
Stubborn. Repost this in 5 mins and you will meet
someone new in 8 days that will perfectly balance

your personality.

----------FEBRUARY BABY --------------------


Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract.
Intelligent and clever. Changing personality.
Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.

Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest
and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves
freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves
aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt.

Gets angry really easily but does not show it.
Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends
but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn.
Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp.

Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the
inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous.
Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
Repost this in 5 mins and you will talk to someone

new and realize that you are a perfect match.

-----------------MARCH BABY --------------------

Attractive personality. sexy. Affectionate Shy and
reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous
and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity.
Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered.

Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness.
Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up
feelings. Observant and assesses others.If you
repost this in the next 5 mins, you will meet your
new love in 8 days.

------------------APRIL BABY -------------------

Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous.
Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and
sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does

work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive.
Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good
memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look
for information. Able to cheer evryone up and/or

make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and
others. Understanding. Fun to be around.
Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive.
Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and

traveling. Systematic. hott but has brains. If you
repost this in 5 mins, a cutie that's caught your eye
will introduce themself and you will realize that
you are very much alike in the next 2 days.

-----------------MAY BABY -----------------


  Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and
highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered.
Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings.
Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint.

Needs no motivation. Shy towards oppisite sex.
Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to
dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding.
Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good

imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves
literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike
being at home. Restless. Not having many children.
Hardworking. High spirited. If you repost this in the

next 5 minutes, you will become close to someone
you do not speak to much in the next 4 days.

------------JUNE BABY -------------

You've got the best personality and are an
absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make

new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt
and more than likely have an a very attractive
partner. a wicked hottie. It is also more than likely
that you have a massive record collection. You

have a great choice in films, and may one day
become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck,
you've got the looks for it!!! IN the next 6 days you
will meet someone that may possibly become

oneof your closest friends, if you repost this in 5

----------------JULY BABY --------------


Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to
be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed.

Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily
consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's
feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable.
Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.

Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at
Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.
dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive

and forms impressions carefully. Caring and
loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of
sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people
through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties

in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods
about the past and the old friends. Waits for
friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive
unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt

but takes long to recover. Repost this in the next 5
mins and your reputation will boost someway in
the next 12 days

------------AUGUST BABY ---------------


outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on
attention. no self control. kind hearted. self
confident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful.
easy to get along with and talk to. has an "every
thing's peachy" attitude. likes talking and singing.

loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates
not being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to be
loved. hates studying. in need of "that someone".
longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or

restricted. lives by "no pain no gain" caring.
always a suspect. playful. mysterious. "charming"
or "beautiful" to everyone. stubborn. curious. independent. strong willed. a fighter. repost in 5
mins and you will meet the love of your life

sometime next month.

------------SEPTEMBER BABY ---------------

Active and dynamic. Mysterious. Bottle up the feelings.

You won't ever know what's going on in their heads, except for the chosen few.Decisive and haste but tends to regret.

Attractive and affectionate to oneself.
Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic.

Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems.
Always busy in finding ways to relieve world's problems,

but during this they tend to neglect themself. Near and dear people

should see to it that they don't forget themself completely

while caring for others all the time. Brave and fearless.

Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous.

Usually you have many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional.
Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates
oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore.
Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can
understand. if you do not repost this in the next 5

mins, someone very close to you will become mad
at you in the next 8 days.

---------------OCTOBER BABY -------------------


Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves
to takes things at the center. Inner and physical
beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry

often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and
fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but
recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does
not care to control emotions. Unpredictable.

Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND
sexiest of them all. repost this in 5 mins or you will
not meet the love of your life for 10 years.

---------------NOVEMBER BABY --------------------

Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and
dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun.
Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards
your inner and outer beauty and independent
personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional

and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people
easily and very social in a group. Fearless and
independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a
crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the

greatest men are born in this month. If you ever
begin a relationship with someone from this month,
hold on to them because their one of a kind. repost
in 5 mins & you will excell in a major event coming

up sometime this month.

---------------DECEMBER BABY ---------------

This straight-up means ur the most good-looking
person possible... better than all of these other
months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive

in everything. Active in games and interactions.
Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in
organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to,
though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision,

yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by
kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of
ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to
delay. Choosy and always wants the best.

Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to
joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone
always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer.
Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding.

Able to show character. one guy/girl kind of
person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting
colds. loves music. pretty/handsome. Loves to
dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows

emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt.
Sensitive. [A hott new guy/girl will catch your eye
& you will catch theirs too in the next 6 days, if
you repost in 5min]

  So Which Baby Are you?




Honest answers

Honest answers



1. Why did you apply for this job?
I have applied for many jobs along with this one and it's just that you called me first.

Why do you want to work for this company?
I have to work for some company, whoever gives me a job, I don't have any specific company in mind.

3. Why should I hire you?
You have to hire some one, you may give me a try.

4. What would you do if this happened?
Well, it depends on my mindset and mood in that situation...

5. What is your biggest strength?
I dare to join any company who pays me well, without thinking about the fate of company.

What is your biggest weakness?

7. What was your worst mistake and how did you learn from it?
Joining my earlier company and I learnt that I need to switch my job to get more money, so I am here today.

8. What accomplishments in your last position are you most proud of?
Had I accomplished any in my last position, why do I need to change my job? I could demand more and stay there.

9. Describe a challenge that you faced and how did you overcome it?
Biggest challenge is answering the question "why are you looking for a change" and I started blabbering irrelevantly to overcome that.

Why did you leave/ are you leaving your last job?
For the same reason why you left your previous job.

11. What do you want from this job?
No work and good hikes.

12. What are your career goals and how do you plan to achieve them?
Making more money and for that I keep switching jobs every two years.

13. What do you know about our company?
I knew you will ask me this question. So, I've gone through your website.

What salary are you expecting?
Well, no one will change his job for the same salary, hence, give me 20% extra than what I am getting right now. I know you will bargain on whatever I ask.So I have already hiked my current salary by

Great Letter From Narayana Murthy...

Narayana Murthy's views on staying late in the office 

It's half past 8 in the office
but the lights are still on...
PCs still running,
coffee machines still buzzing...
and who's at work?
Most of them??? Take a closer look...
All or most specimens are ??-something male species of the human race...

Look closer... again all or most of them are bachelors...
and why are they sitting late? Working hard? No way!!!
Any guesses???
Let's ask one of them...
Here's what he says... "What's there 2 do after going home... here we get to surf, AC, phone, food, coffee.. that is why I am working late...
importantly no bossssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the scene in most research centers and software companies and other off-shore offices.
Bachelors "time-passing" during late hours in the office just bcoz they say they've nothing else to do...
Now what r the consequences... read on...

"Working"(for the record only) late hours soon becomes part of the institute or company culture.
With bosses more than eager to provide support to those "working" late in the form of taxi vouchers, food vouchers and of course good feedback,(oh, he's a hard worker... goes home only to change..!!).They aren't helping things too... To hell with bosses who don't understand the difference between "sitting" late and "working" late!!!

Very soon, the boss start expecting all employees to put in extra working hours.
So, My dear Bachelors let me tell you, life changes when u get married and start having a family... office is no longer a priority, family is... and that's when the problem starts... becoz u start having commitments at home too.

For your boss, the earlier "hardworking" guy suddenly seems to become a "early leaver" even if u leave an hour after regulartime... after doing the same amount of work.
People leaving on time after doing their tasks for the day are labeled as work-shirkers...
Girls who thankfully always (its changing nowadays... though) leave on time are labeled as "not up to it". All the while, the bachelors pat their own backs and carry on "working" not realizing that they r spoiling the work culture at their own place and never realize that they wuld have to regret at one point of time.

* So what's the moral of the story?? *
* Very clear, LEAVE ON TIME!!!
* Never put in extra time " *unless really needed *"
* Don't stay back un-necessarily and spoil your company work culture which will in turn cause inconvenience to you and your colleagues.

There are hundred other things to do in the evening..
Learn music...
Learn a foreign language...
try a sport... TT, cricket.........
importantly Get a girl friend or boy friend, take him/her around town...

* And for heaven's sake net cafe rates have dropped to an all-time low (plus, no fire-walls) and try cooking for a change.
Take a tip from the Smirnoff ad: *"Life's calling, where are you??"*
Please pass on this message to all those colleagues And please do it before leaving time, don't stay back till midnight to forward this!!!



N R Narayanamurthy

Funny Ad Tag Lines

Advertisement In A Long Island Shop: Guitar, for sale.......
 Cheap....... ....no strings attached .

Ad.. In Hospital Waiting Room: Smoking Helps You Lose Weight ... One Lung At A Time!

Seen on a bulletin board: Success Is Relative.  More The Success, More The Relatives.

When I Read About The Evils Of Drinking...I Gave Up Reading.

My Grandfather Is Eighty And Still Doesn't Need Glasses... He Drinks Straight Out Of The Bottle.

You know your kids have grown Up When: Your Daughter Begins To Put On Lipstick... Or Your Son Starts To Wipe It Off.

Sign In A Bar: "Those Of You Who Are Drinking To Forget, Please Pay In Advance."

Sign In Driving School: If Your Wife Wants To Learn To Drive, Don't Stand In Her Way.

Behind Every Great Man, There Is A Surprised Woman.

The Reason Men Lie Is Because Women Ask So Many Questions.

Getting Caught Is The Mother Of Invention.

Laugh And The World Laughs With You, Snore And You sleep Alone.

The Surest Sign That Intelligent Life Exists Elsewhere In The Universe Is The Fact That It Has Never Tried To Contact Us.

Sign At A Barber's Saloon In Detroit: We Need Your Heads To Run Our Business.

A Traffic Slogan: Don't Let Your Kids Drive If They are Not Old Enough Or Else They Will Never Be.

Sign In A Restaurant: All Drinking Water In This Establishment Has Been Personally Passed By The Manager.

Sign On A Famous Beauty Parlor Window: Don't Whistle At The Girls Going Out From Here. She May Be Your Grandmother

Free Softwares Freewares July


TreePad Lite, a small personal database program, lets you store
notes, emails, texts, hyperlinks, etc. into one or multiple
databases. Thanks to its familiar Windows explorer look, editing,
storing, browsing, searching and retrieving data are quite easy. To
search browse the tree as you would do in the directories/folders
displayed in the Windows explorer. Features: Articles and nodes -
unlike the usual database programs, TreePad is can store unstructured
information, lets you define and impose your own structure. All data
is contained in 'articles'; an article is a text shown in the right
pane of the program window. Any article is contained in a 'node'
which is the most basic part of the tree (left pane); Tree editing -
create any tree structure you want; Support for plain-text
hyperlinks; notes, emails, texts, hyperlinks, etc. into one or
multiple databases instead of storing in a large number of separate

The 465 KB Treepad lite or TreePad Asia which supports non-western /
Asian fonts, for Windows at
http://www.treepad.com/download/#tplitewin  and for Linux at http://www.treepad.com/download/#tplitelx


Moovia is a free open source media player for Windows and Linux. Its
simple innovative and intutive interface brings on your movies,
videos, TV shows, music, tunes and photos, all of them at one place.
Watch movies & TV shows, Catalog your movies, tv shows and other
videos with integrated online content. Moovida supports HD and almost
all file formats like divX, mkv, flv, h264, mov, ogg and much more
without need for additional codecs. Enjoy your pictures: Visualize
the photos of your latest trip either from your hard drive or your
flickr account in a nicely animated slideshow. Manage your music:
Access all of your songs easily, enhance your library with online
services and find new music to listen to. Get connected: Flickr,
Youtube, Yes.fm, SHOUTcast and much more - extend the functionality
of Moovida with new content from top internet sites. Listen online to
your favorite songs, share your media with your friends on your
network or scan other devices like your iPod with Moovida.

A comprehensive list of features can be viewed at http://www.moovida.com/features/

The 34573 KB Moovida v1.0.5 for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows
7 can be downloaded at
Moovida for Linux can be downloaded at http://www.moovida.com/download/
FAQ at http://www.moovida.com/faq/


GgSofts's TubeMaster++ is a useful tool to capture multimedia files
being watched or listened to at YouTube, DailyMotion, MySpace, Google
Videos, LastFM, Deezer, Jiwa, and Songza,. The files - FLV,MP3,MP4 -
can be saved directly on your computer or converted to other popular
video or audio formats like AVI, MPEG, MP3, MP4, WAV, WMA, MOV, Ipod,
PSP, Blackberry, Neuros, Palm, and others. Search engines have been
integrated to find videos or audio (mp3) files directly from the

The 7111 KB TubeMaster++ , v1.1, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 can be
downloaded at http://tubemaster.free.fr/setup_tm++.exe

Java Runtime Environment needs to be installed. LibPcap (WinPcap for
Windows) also required to help capture with TubeMaster++. Both are
included in the download package.


Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor. It has
capabilities similar to applications like Illustrator, Freehand,
CorelDraw, or or Xara. Inkscape uses the W3C standard Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG) file format. Supported SVG features include shapes,
paths, text, markers, clones, alpha blending, transforms, gradients,
patterns, and grouping. Inkscape also supports Creative Commons
meta-data, node editing, layers, complex path operations, bitmap
tracing, text-on-path, flowed text, direct XML editing, and more. It
imports formats such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and others and exports PNG
as well as multiple vector-based formats.

The 36.4M MB Inkscape (22 Jul 09) for Windows, stable version: 0.46,
can be downloaded at
Inkscape FAQ at http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/FAQ  and
Inkscape tutorials at http://inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com/


Please suggest a software to broadcast video clipping
live through a webcam.

You could the try the service provided at www.ubroadcast.com.
This facilitates broadcast of a LIVE or On Demand channel to a
global and interactive audience, via the Internet.



What ought one to say then as each hardship comes?
I was practicing for this, I was training for this.

-- Epictetus (55-135 AD) Greek Philosopher

July 29, 2009


> Hi All, 
> I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up
> for this virus! 
> I checked Snopes, and it is for real. Get this E-mail
> message sent around to all your contacts ASAP. 
> You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open
> any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM
> HALLMARK,'regardless of who sent it to you. It is a
> virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns'
> the whole hard disc C drive of your computer. 
> This virus will be received from someone who has your
> e-mail address on his/her contact list. That is the reason
> why you need to send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is
> better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the
> virus and open it!
> If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,'
> even if it is sent to you by a friend, do not open
> it! Shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst
> virus announced by CNN. 
> It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive
> virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday,
> and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This
> virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc,
> where the vital information is kept. 
> US


July 23, 2009

Free Softwares Freewares


HJSplit is a file-splitting and joining program. As a splitter HJSplit
can split files of any type and size. To execute the programme just
click on hjsplit.exe. It lets you split a large file into smaller
chunks, which can be much more easily sent and stored. It can even
handle files which are larger than 10Gb - can split the file into 640
Mb parts. Yes, HJSplit is a tiny and specialized program for joining
files too - it can join these split parts back together, again, so
that the original file is restored. HJSplit is easy to use, does not
need any installation or complicated DLLs, just consists of one `.exe'
file. So, it can also be run directly from a floppy or CD-Rom.

The 335kb HJSplit v2.4 for Windows 2000/2003/XP can be downloaded at


Inquisitor can help speed up your web search. It's a browser plugin
to extend the functionality of the search bar - to make it more
intuitive, responsive, and retrieve the results, on the fly. Once
installed Inquisitor replaces the search bar. The initial result is
based on the browser history, however, the the list gets refined and
brings in results more relevant to the search term. Inquisitor also
provides several configuration options that you can set to suit your
preferences. These include - Auto-complete settings, Instant result
setting, Display count, and choice of Search Engine - The default
search engine is Yahoo, but, can also be set to Google. However,
please note, the website result search will cease to work - only
keyword suggestions can be viewed in the dropdown list.

Inquisitor, backed by Yahoo, is compatible with Safari, Firefox and
Internet Explorer 7, 8. It works with Mac, PC and iPhone. Inquisitor
can be downloaded at http://www.inquisitorx.com/ie/index_en.php

System Spec

System Spec can help to be aware of system information related to your
PC. These include: Windows Version, Memory (Ram), CPU Information, CPU
Speed, Sound card, Display Adapter, Monitors, Screen Resolution,
Network Connection, Network Adapters, CD / DVD Drives, COM Ports, LPT
Ports, Hard disks, USB Controllers, Manufacturer, Product Make, Serial
Number, Mouse, Battery Status, BIOS Info, Motherboard, Modem, plus
lots more system information in the sub sections such as Memory,
Display, Startup, BIOS, Services, Processes, CPU Meter, Internet,
Personal, Sound, Network Adapters, Network Users, Devices, and others.

The 2.54 MB System Spec v2.68 (09-07-09), developed by Alex Nolan, can
be downloaded at http://www.alexnolan.net/software/SysSpec.exe


XMind.net enables both team brainstorming and personal mind mapping.
On XMind.net you can share your ideas and thoughts with the world. A
XMind map viewer embedded into a blog can enable more people to
visualize and learn about concepts of the blogger. The aim of
XMind.net is to bring Web 2.0 concepts on community sharing into a
popular desktop application. The features include: Easy to use - users
can quickly capture and organize ideas seamlessly and efficiently;
just a double-click to create and edit topics anywhere on the map;
Drag-and-drop works for reorganizing topics, moving markers, taking a
mapshot, and adding attachments; and can even carryout a search on a
topic with Google and drag images into it. If you prefer to share
privately, or brainstorm ideas with selected friends, you would need
to upgrade to XMind Pro. The Pro features includes: inline
presentation, exporting to PDF/Word/PowerPoint, Gantt charts with task
topics - lets project managers track project tasks and schedules, and


Please advise a software to convert the videos taken by Handicam
in mpeg2 format, to view it in the Mobile Phone ie Nokia Phone.

You could try the 14.5 MB Format Factory, a Universal Transcoder,
at http://www.formatoz.com/download.html


Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness;
it is generally the by-product of other activities.

- Aldous Huxley

July 21, 2009

Funny definitions

IT Industry Rocks..... :-)
Definition of Designations

Project Manager is a Person who thinks nine women can deliver a baby in One month.

is a Person who thinks it will take 18 months to deliver a Baby.

Onsite Coordinator
is one who thinks single woman can deliver nine babies in one month.
is the one who doesn't know why he wants a baby

Marketing Manager
is a person who thinks he can deliver a baby even if no man and woman are available.

Resource Optimization Team
thinks they don't need a man or woman; they'll produce a child with zero resources.

Documentation Team
thinks they don't care whether the child is delivered, they'll just document 9 months.

Quality Auditor
is the person who is never happy with a delivered baby.

is a person who always tells that this is not the Right baby



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