September 18, 2009

Conserve Power - An Easy Way - Please Do This

Hi All,

Have you ever wondered why most of the PCs are ON even when nobody is present in the whole wing?


Most of us hurry from our workplace during the last minute to board the shuttle and don’t find sufficient time to shut down the PC. There is an easier way to resolve this problem. ‘Hibernate’ option provides you the solution. Just switch your system to hibernate mode before you leave, and the state of all the applications running will be stored and once you switch ON your pc again, the previous session is restored.


Please find below the steps to configure this Hibernate option for WINDOWS XP users.


1)       Right click on any empty area in your desktop and click New -> Shortcut


2)       Paste the following into the text box and click on Next.


rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState


3)       Give a suitable name (Hibernate) for this shortcut and click Finish.


4)        Now you would like to change the icon for this shortcut to be more appropriate.


5)        Right click the shortcut -> Properties


6)       Now click on Change Icon button and click on Browse. You will be taken to the C:\sysroot\System32 folder.


7)       Select the file powrprof.dll


8)       You will see an alert like “C:\SYSROOT\system32\powrprof.dll contains no icons” but Click OK.


9)       Now you will see a list of icons displayed. Select the power icon or any other icon of your choice as shown.


10)   Now you will see the shortcut on your desktop.


All you need to do is that, just double-click this icon before leaving for the day and don’t forget to switch off your monitorJ.

The next day you switch ON your pc, all your work will be restored.


Remember, we are not doing this for the benefit of our organization.


We are doing this for our better tomorrow.


Note: Please share it with your team mates and make sure that we are making the system to hibernate, which would help us saving enormous power. Thanks a ton for your co-operation


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