August 17, 2009


WE ARE FREE – to choose, decide, and make a difference!

Our Freedom empowers us to make the world a better place.   

On this Independence Day let us take this pledge:


I WILL switch off my monitor when I step away

I WILL Shut down My PC before I leave for a weekend/holiday

I WILL Switch Off Lights in rooms when not in use and if there’s sufficient natural light

I WILL Save Paper and be judicious while printing

I WILL Save Water and be prudent in its consumption

I WILL Vehicle Pool if I can and use public transport whenever I can

I WILL Collaborate Virtually and be prudent about business travel

I WILL Waste Manage eco-friendly and non-eco-friendly waste separately

I WILL Gift a Tree to the Earth, my home, on every occasion I can

I WILL Foster a Green Conscience everywhere I go

I WILL follow all the above rules said……




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